Monday, November 29, 2010

I am thankful for......

Thanksgiving came and went very quickly again this year and we enjoyed it so much. The kids had a big Thanksgiving feast at school on Tuesday and Sallie got to dress up like a Indian and parade around the school with the Pilgrims. Her Indian name was Rose Petal. They had a tee pee in their classroom and learned all about Thanksgiving. She loved the Tee pee and as you will see in the pictures at the end of the post, she loved it so much that she asked her Daddy to make her one at home and he did. He made one and Sallie and Anna played in for almost a hour straight while I cleaned up the kitchen on Wed. It was great. They even had a picnic lunch in it. We had Thanksgiving lunch Thursday with my parents and then traveled to Anderson on Friday to spend the weekend with Ward's family. We had a great time both places and are so blessed and lucky to have family to spend this Thanksgiving with. The kids loved seeing and playing with cousins. Sallie made a place mat at school where she wrote what she was thankful for. She was thankful for Ella, Sam, and Peppy and Pops. I asked her what about her Mama, Daddy, and Sister and she said that she forgot. Anna's bulletin board at school posted what each child was thankful for and Anna said that she was thankful for Macaroni and cheese at her Peppy and Pops house. So this is what they are thankful for this year...... Well I am thankful for my life, my children, my husband, my family, and so much more that God has blessed me with. I am one lucky wife and Mama...and I am thankful for the wonderful food that we consumed on Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Anna's latest

I feel like I blogged so much about Sallie at this age and all her talking and pottying and playing ect. Poor second child, poor Anna!!! I feel like I do recognize all Anna's milestones just don't have the time anymore to blog about them. I do want to try harder to do this so that Anna and myself can look back on this and remember her cute little 2 year old self. Anna is talking like crazy and you can really understand everything that she says now. She says full sentences and really makes sense. She is so sweet natured. She tells me all the time when I get dressed up, Mama, you look pretty". It is really sweet. She loves to sing and "Jesus loves me is her favorite song". She is really funny about her bedtime routine these days. I have to put her to bed every night. She does not like any blanket on her and wants to always sleep in her ducks (bedroom shoes). She like to have a baby doll and a book in her crib with her. She usually calls for me very loudly atleast one time after putting her to bed and then she is good to go. She will tell me as I walk out of her room, "night night sweet girl". This is what I usually tell her and now she loves to tell me this. We are working on the potty thing with little success but I believe that when she really starts, it will be full on. She has gone on the potty about two times. I bought her some Dora panties to see if this would help . Anna loves to go to her school three days a week and especially loves Ms. Janice, her music teacher. I think that is because she loves music. I get to enjoy Anna one on one on Tuesdays and Thursdays and even though those days are usually filled with errands and other things, it is fun to do them with Anna. Anna's favortie food is hotdog cheese. This is really a hot dog (no bun) and slice of cheese. She will eat this anytime and anywhere. She is growing up and it is happening so quickly.

Friday, November 5, 2010

A PRINCESS and a princess

We had two princesses this year for Halloween. One little and one a little bigger. Anna was actually a fairy princess in the costume that Sallie wore last year and Sallie just chose a dress up outfit from her dress up bin and added some new high heel shoes and some makeup and we were good to go. They had a big party for Halloween at school Friday and trick or treated outside around the school. Saturday we had a dress up birthday party and Sunday we had another dress up birthday party before we went to our church party. We went to our church trunk or treat that night and had lots of fun and got lots more candy. We then trick or treated at three houses on our street. This was both Sallie and Anna's first time trick or treating at houses and they really liked it. Anna really did not know what to do but enjoyed eating the candy as she walked door to door. They were both precious as princesses and enjoyed Halloween. I am having to give the candy away because I can not stay out of it. The kids have been good with forgetting about it but I can not leave it alone.