Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy 1 month Birthday to Anna

Anna is 1 month old today!!! She is starting to sleep a little better at night especially when she is in the bed snuggled with me. She is done with the awful antibiotic that makes her stomach upset so that is wonderful. She is also starting to get a little more meat on her bones which makes me very happy! I can not wait for the chunky legs like Sallie had. She has started a semi smile after she eats but I have still not determined if this is a true smile or just gas. Sallie had a good weekend with lots of visitors however they were all adult visitors so not as much fun for her as it was for us. She and Ward went on a boat ride on Sunday which she really enjoyed. I also enjoyed some quiet time here at home to read and clean the house. Other than that, it was truly a low key weekend which is really nice sometimes.


amjackson said...

Glad she's sleeping better. Owen always sleeps much better in our bed too.......Sometimes I'm just so tired, I can't resist! :)

Erin Martinez said...

She is changing so much too quickly!!!

Angela said...

Happy 1 month birthday Anna!! Glad to hear she's doing well.