Monday, September 1, 2008

The start of our blog

So, I finally decided to start a blog for my two children. I love to follow other people's blogs and read about what is going on with their children so I decided that I would start my own. I have also had some extra time on my hands lately so we will see how long this lasts. I feel guilty that I did not start one for Sallie when she was a baby however I will blog about her a lot to catch her up. What a blessing my two girls have been to Ward and me. Sallie is now two and if you did not know her age, you would just need to be around her for about 1 hour and you would know. She is testing the limits now and throwing some two year old tantrums however she is still so precious and I am so thankful for her and the joy that she brings to us. She does and says things that blow my mind everyday!!! Sallie knows what she wants when she wants it and she will not let you forget anything. She gives the best "big hugs" and Eskimo kisses ever. She is a picky eater but loves candy and junk!! Shocker since her Mama loves candy more than anything. I introduced her to candy at a young age and am paying for it now. Anna was born 8/15/08 and was 6 pounds 10 ounces and 19 inches long. Her full name is Ann Arrington Warren and she has a headful of dark hair and looks nothing like any of us to me. I am sure that this will change with time. Sallie was born 8/10/06 and was 6 pounds 15 ounces and 19 inches long. Sallie had a lot of dark hair as well but not near as much as Anna has. We were at home for under 2 weeks and on Thursday 8/28, we had to admit Anna to the hospital with a temperature of 101 degrees. She had to have a urine test, blood cultures, and a spinal tap done to rule out many dangerous viruses. It was determined that she has a urinary tract infection and she has been on heavy doses of antibotics since. We are hopefully leaving the hospital late this afternoon. We are so ready to get home and enjoy our baby and see Sallie. Sallie went to the beach with my parents and has had a great time. We have talked to her many times each day and sounds like she has had a blast. I miss her sooooo much. This is first time that she has gone to the beach without us. It was good to be able to focus on Anna and not worry about Sallie being at home missing us. I do not really think that she misses us near as much as I miss her. I will post some pics of our camp hospital stay soon. Anna has gained a lot of weight since being here which is great because that was a concern of ours prior to her getting sick. She is now 7 pounds and 6 ounces!!! We will have to continue the antibiotics for a while at home and then check her again in about 4 weeks with another ultrasound and a test that will determine if her system is functioning correctly. Please keep sweet little Anna is yours prayers that everything will be normal and we are out of the woods. It has been a rough couple days but we have made it and are on the road to recovery. There is no place like home!!! Sallie has been so sweet to her baby sister so far. She loves to give her kisses and hold her but when she is done she is done!!! She loves to wake up from her nap with us all snuggled in her bed for a while. I hope this lasts and they are as close as I am to my sister!!! Two girls are so much fun!!!! Anyway, this is really long for my first blog so I will go for now and write more on another day!!!


Erin Martinez said...

I love the blog! Keep it up!!!

amjackson said...

Finally!! I have been waiting on you to start a blog! :)

Kara Powell said...

Hey Julie! The pictures are precious!!!