Dear Anna,
Happy 6 months!! Wow, time really does fly by. It seems like just yesterday I was saying that you were 3 months old and your Daddy just told someone the other day that you were 4 months old. You are sitting up now and have developed a little personality that I just love. You are so sweet and your smile lights me up. You make me work hard for my smiles but always give me one. You love your big sister and she is always guaranteed a smile from you. She can just look at you and you smile. You are a troubled sleeper but I think that Mama has just spoiled you a little. We are going to have to work on that. You love your rice cereal that we have started and eat your vegetables well too. You are a good eater and it is starting to show. You have the cutest chubby legs I have ever seen. Your teachers at school love taking care of you and talk about what a good baby you are. You really are a good baby. You love your johnny jump up and look like a little frog in it. You will jump for long periods of time. I am such a lucky Mama and love you more than you know. God has truly blessed us with two healthy and happy baby girls.
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