Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The July 4th tradition continues

We had a wonderful July 4th as always. The tradition of going to Litchfield Beach continues and we had a blast. We did not go for the entire week but left on Thurs and came home Monday. It was a full house. We took part in the parade and decorated the golf cart. We played on the beach for three full days. Anna loved it which was wonderful because Memorial Day weekend she was very unsure of the beach. This time she soaked it all up and ate plenty more sand and loved drinking the salt water. Ward and I got a night out to dinner with my sister and brother-in-law which is always a treat. We ate at PF Changs and had a delicious dinner. Sallie had Ella, her playmate, there this time so they had a fun time splashing around and playing in the ocean. Sallie watched fireworks on the beach and loved them as long as she was not in her bed listening to them. She thought that she heard thunder in her bed so came downstairs, did not see anyone, so walked out the back door and down to the garage before I found her screaming crying. It was dark outside. We were on the porch eating supper when she did all this. This is the reason that she scares me to death with being in a big girl bed. She needs a gate desperately. Anyway, we had lots of fun and look forward to next year.


Anonymous said...

love sallie's little tush coming out of her bathing suit! all of their 4th of july outfits are soo cute!!

Angela said...

What great pictures. Looks like you guys had a great time. Love the shot of Sallie in her bathing suit...classic! Hope to see you soon.