Saturday, June 5, 2010

Beach Week 2010

We got home yesterday from our annual beach week for Memorial Day. We had a great time as usual and the kids had a blast. I was ready to get back to my bed and house but we really had a great time. It was relaxing in the sense that I was not working at all and Ward put his work to rest but it was a lot of work heading in and out to the beach, lathering up with sunscreen, and just being a little off schedule. Not complaining at all though....It was much needed family time!!Sallie did all that she was wanted to do and more and was totally spoiled the entire week. We are paying for that now but we will get back in the swing of things Monday. We went to play putt putt, went out to the beach, went on boat rides, and did lots of eating out at restaurants. Anna was not so sure of the water until the last day when she warmed up a little. She is still not the biggest fan. Sallie has always been a fish so it is a little weird that Anna is so timid of the water. We loved taking golf cart rides and did some bike riding as well. When I said that we did it all, we did..even some outlet shopping. We are already looking forward to our July 4th week. Sallie was so comfortable in the water that she literally was swimming with the jellyfish. There were so many of them this year and we could see them all around us. We would see them and I would run out of the water and she would try and go find them. I tried to make her a little scared of them since they do sting and it does really hurt. Anna was scared of the shells that touched her feet !! Black and white, they are they are! Ward caught a huge fish the last day that we were there and the girls thought that was wonderful until they saw all the blood that came with cleaning it. We have enjoyed eating it. It made for some good dinner last night and tommrow night. We even got some cute beach pics after some bribery...Will attach.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

cute pictures!!! that's a BIG fish!!! looks like y'all had fun :)