Thursday, January 8, 2009

Our Christmas

What a wonderful Christmas we had. This post is very late but I have tried to sit down and post something so many times and have not finished so here it finally is.... Sallie got her motorcycle form Santa that she really wanted and has really had a great time riding it. She also got a scooter form her Nana which she has had a blast riding in circles around the driveway. She got a art easel that was her favorite gift but now has just become a huge mess because she paints her hands and her body and then gets in trouble. Sallie was really excited Christmas morning and loved putting out cookies and milk for Santa. It was pretty funny because Jack, our dog, ate the cookies and drank the milk before we went to bed so we had to replace them. Sallie started getting sick Christmas night and was up all night. She had a fever so we took her to the doctor the next day and they said that she just had a cold virus that was going around. They tested her for the flu but she was in the clear. Her fever finally went away the following day however she never bounced back to her normal happy self. We went out of town for New Years and she started complaining about her ear while we were there. Anna was really fussy as well and not sleeping at all. We were up all night for about 3 nights out of town and finally decided to leave Saturday. We took both girls to doctors care the day after New Years and it turned out that they both had ear infections. Sallie has really struggled with ear infections and has tubes in her ears but still seems to get them. Now Anna has had her first one at 4 months so I hope that this is not the start of many more. They are now recovering on antibiotics and we are finally getting some sleep. Anna is laughing and smiling all the time now. She is really getting to be so interactive. I know that I said this in last post but she really is so much fun now. When I go get her in the morning she just smiles and coos. She loves Sallie and laughs at just about anything that Sallie does. Sallie has been trying to pick Anna up lately so I have really had to watch her closely. Anna is still getting up in the night to eat but right now I am going to choose my battles. That is not one of them. Anna weighs 14 pounds now so she really does not need to be eating in the middle of the night any longer. Just a couple more nights of good sleep and then I will let her cry it out...maybe. Sallie is continuing to talk up a storm and keeps us in stitches with her funny sayings. She woke up yesterday morning and came running in our room telling us that she had birds in her bed. I had no idea what she was talking about and she was pulling me to her room to show them to me. I went in her room and she was right, it sounded like there were birds in her bed. Her sound machine automatically goes to the bird chirping noise when the power goes out. The power went out the other night in that wind storm and reset on the birds chirping. Anyway, It was hilarious. I started feeding Anna rice cereal and Sallie told me "no Mama, she just drinks milk". This is because I use to say this all the time when Sallie would try and put something in Anna's mouth. She does not miss a beat and is too smart for her own good. Sallie is such a loving child. She always wants to make sure that we know that she loves us. When I go somewhere now and come home she tells me that she cried. I ask her why and she tells me it was because she missed me. She really knows how to push my buttons. We had a Christmas break and hated to get back to work. I know that 2009 is going to be a wonderful year. My 2009 goals are to be a better mother, wife, and friend. I want to learn to cook better and read more. I want to worry less and play more. I want to take time for myself more often. My number 1 goal is to pray about everything everyday and grow more in my walk with God. I am so thankful for my life and all that I have been blessed with. Sallie, Anna, and Ward you have made me that happiest Mama and wife around and I hope that 2009 only gets better.


amjackson said...

Awwwee, I wish Price cared when I left him....Sweet Sallie!!

Erin Martinez said...

I was in stitches when I read about Sallie and the birds! She is very funny!!! When are you comin to see me?