Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Well, since my last post was about Christmas I decided it was time to blog about what has been going on since Christmas. We have just been hanging out and enjoying life. We had a little snow last week. Nothing really stuck to the ground however it was enough to call off school. We did get out in it for a little while but there was really nothing to play with. Sallie enjoyed watching it fall. Anna is starting to sit up with support now. She loves her food that she is now eating and always wants more. She is going to be my eater. Sallie never really liked the rice cereal or the baby food and Anna seems to really like it. Anna is still getting up one time in the night/morning but we are trying to break this ASAP. A Lot easier said than done!!! Sallie is continuing to talk up a storm and learn new words and phrases daily!!! She has picked up on saying um a lot when I ask her a question now and she is also starting to shrug her shoulders a lot. These must be things that she picked up from school right? I am trying to ignore them so they don't become a habit. Friday they have a nursery rhyme dress up parade at school as this is what they have been working on for the month of January. Not sure what Sallie is going to dress up as but I will post pics as soon as we have a outfit. We took a trip to the beach last weekend with my parents and had a great time. Anna did not sleep very well but we enjoyed getting away for the weekend. Sallie went bowling for her first time with Ward and really enjoyed it. It was freezing cold but Sallie did go out to the beach in her pjs for a couple of pictures. Ward and I got to go out to dinner and do some shopping kid free Saturday night while my parents kept the kids. That was very enjoyable. Ward's Mom came into town this past weekend and kept Sallie for a little while so that Ward and I could go out to another enjoyable dinner. We are truly blessed to have family to help out. One of the pictures posted is a picture of Anna after Sallie covered her with toys. Anna fell asleep like this. Sallie and Anna continue to be blessings daily and I just thanks God for my healthy and happy girls.


amjackson said...

I couldnt even tell Anna was in that picture!! :) Sallie and Anna are going to be the best of friends!

Erin Martinez said...

You have been busy!!! The girls are growing up so fast! I really feel like you just had Anna a month ago. Sallie looks too grown-up in the last picture!

Anonymous said...

how funny is that picture with A all covered!! Ha!! They are both too cute!