Friday, September 19, 2008

Good Night Moon

Sallie's favorite book is Goodnight Moon and we have the book memorized. She wants this book read almost every night. Her favorite neighbor to say hello to and sit with on the front porch is Mr. Moon. Mr Moon is 90 years old and still drives a car, cooks, and mows his own grass. He loves Sallie and Sallie really enjoys going over to his house and sitting in "her chair". When he is not sitting on his front porch, which is rare, she says that he is inside drinking his coffee. She says hello to him and waves from across the street many times a day. It makes his day!!! I've attached a really cute pic of Sallie sitting in "her chair"on Mr. Moons front porch. She walked over there gave him a big hug and wanted to sit with him. It brought tears to my eyes and almost to his. I do not have any other exciting blog news however I have taken a few new pictures that I will attach.


Erin Martinez said...

Too cute!!! I love Mr. Moon too!!!

amjackson said...

That is too sweet!! I bet Mr. Moon appreciated that big hug! :)