Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our famous dog, Jack

I know that this blog is about my children however this entry is about Jack, our dog. He is such a wonderful dog that has been through bringing home two new babies to our house and handled it so well. Jack will take any attention that he can get these days (poor dog). I caught Sallie inspecting his ears yesterday and listening to his heart with her doctors kit and the sad thing is that he was letting her because he was getting some attention. Poor Jack used to be my #1 and now he is my number #4. He went everywhere with me and even slept at the end of my bed. Jack is lucky these days to get a Pat but he loves me unconditionally. I need to get better about this and show him more attention. Anna loves Jack as well and laughs when he starts barking or running around the house. Jack is such a good dog and has brought a lot of Joy to my life pre babies and pre marraige. Ward was not really a dog kind pf person before we met and he fell in love with Jack quickly. Jack is now bringing joy to Sallie and Anna even though Sallie is sometimes not so nice to him. We are working on this as well. Jack has recently learned a new trick that I think is pretty cool. He has learned to climb the latter on our play set and then slide down the sliding board. I think that this is pretty incredible. He used to do it going after a ball. Now he likes it so much that he does it on command. I am posting pictures of this. I really want to send it to funniest videos!!! Let me know if you think that we will win.


Lindsay said...

ahahaha! that is hilarious! i think you should send it in :) can't hurt!

Claussen said...

I LOVE it! Jack is precious and you know we've always loved him! I think he has a great chance of winning on AFV-it's worth a shot anyway!

Erin Martinez said...

DO IT!!!!! Or at least post it for us to watch!