Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Watch our Peppy on WISTV

The link below is my Mom, the kids' Peppy, on the news this week for her work with a child that is getting a cochlear implant. She did such a great job and we are so proud of her. What a amazing part she gets to play in this child's life...helping him to process new noises as he learns to hear. Hope this link works. Enjoy

Sallie has really enjoyed playing t- ball so I am posting some pictures of her playing last week. She is actually really good at it. Anna enjoys sitting back and watching it all. Sallie has a busy summer planned for her. I just signed her up for swimming lessons and for ballet. I am excited about watching it all.

Igot some pictures of Sallie but have not uploaded them yet however Sallie has decided that she wants to sleep with no clothes on all of a sudden. I have no idea where this came from but she fights me everynight on this so I decided to let her just go to bed with just a pull up on. She says that she wants to get cozy with her blanket. If I make her put her pjs on she takes them off as soon as I leave her room. This is all new so we will see where this goes. Sallie and her cousin Ella are playing doctor together in this last picture. They were very quiet for a while so I walked back in Sallie's room and this is what I saw. It was pretty funny!

1 comment:

Erin Martinez said...

Sallie is much like her momma! Don't think I have forgotten about those softball days!!!